
Our Services

The shore hat this group would some how form a family all trouble with the law sinced a the day what might be right for these days

Živočíšna výroba

Zameriavame sa zatiaľ výlučne na chov hovädzieho dobytka s uzavretým obratom stáda kombinovaných mäsovo-mliekových plemien, určených pre náročnejšie podmienky. Chov dobytka ...

Rastlinná výroba

Prioritou rastlinnej výroby je zabezpečiť kŕmny fond pre potreby živočíšnej výroby a to v štruktúre ako aj v kvalite, najmä vlastných ...

Oslavy a ubytovanie

Prenájom priestorov s kapacitou 20 osôb na rodinné posedenia a oslavy. V prípade záujmu je možné zabezpečiť aj ubytovanie priamo v ...

Živočíšna výroba

Zameriavame sa zatiaľ výlučne na chov hovädzieho dobytka s uzavretým obratom stáda kombinovaných mäsovo-mliekových plemien, určených pre náročnejšie podmienky. Chov dobytka ...

Rastlinná výroba

Prioritou rastlinnej výroby je zabezpečiť kŕmny fond pre potreby živočíšnej výroby a to v štruktúre ako aj v kvalite, najmä vlastných ...

Oslavy a ubytovanie

Prenájom priestorov s kapacitou 20 osôb na rodinné posedenia a oslavy. V prípade záujmu je možné zabezpečiť aj ubytovanie priamo v ...

Why You Should

Choose Us for your Garden

Over 20 years of experience

Nunc fringilla eros vitae nisl posuere, ut consectetur nulla feugiat. Nullam ut mauris vitae tortor sodales efficitur.

We have expert's and Guaranteed Work.

Nunc fringilla eros vitae nisl posuere, ut consectetur nulla feugiat. Nullam ut mauris vitae tortor sodales efficitur.

We are improving everyday

Nunc fringilla eros vitae nisl posuere, ut consectetur nulla feugiat. Nullam ut mauris vitae tortor sodales efficitur.

Who We Are

About MyGarden

The shore hat this group would some how form a family all trouble with the law sinced a the day what might be right for these days what might be right for these days

We Are Specialized

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We Are Specialized

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We Are Specialized

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The shore hat this group would so form a family all trouble


The shore hat this group would so form a family all trouble

Rubbish Removal

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Frequent Questions

The shore hat this group would some how form a family all trouble with the law sinced a the day what might be right for these days
  • Is there a general rule for how to plant / how big to dig the hole for the plant?

    Generally you should dig a hole in the soil twice the size of the pot or root ball. Next, dig over ...

  • Which compost should I use for which plants when planting in pots?

    Humax Multipurpose is our recommended number 1 compost for potting, and is used up in the nursery for planting up all ...

  • Do I need to water everything in the garden all year round?

    In the drier seasons, spring and summer; if water conservation is an issue, concentrate on watering anything newly planted that year ...

  • How do I keep slugs and snails under control?

    Slugs and snails are some of the most common pests we have to contend with in the garden. It may sound ...

  • What should I be doing on my veg plot?

    When you’re not actively grwing veggies empty any rotted down compost from your heap (leaving the unrotten on the heap) and ...

  • Is there a general rule for how to plant / how big to dig the hole for the plant?

    Generally you should dig a hole in the soil twice the size of the pot or root ball. Next, dig over ...

  • Which compost should I use for which plants when planting in pots?

    Humax Multipurpose is our recommended number 1 compost for potting, and is used up in the nursery for planting up all ...

  • Do I need to water everything in the garden all year round?

    In the drier seasons, spring and summer; if water conservation is an issue, concentrate on watering anything newly planted that year ...

  • How do I keep slugs and snails under control?

    Slugs and snails are some of the most common pests we have to contend with in the garden. It may sound ...

  • What should I be doing on my veg plot?

    When you’re not actively grwing veggies empty any rotted down compost from your heap (leaving the unrotten on the heap) and ...